Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Getting Started

So, I've been wanting to blog for quite some time now. I have, oh, sooo very many projects that I want to get  done, and my closets are bursting at the seams with supplies! The problem? A shortage of a little thing called time, and my current lack of any that is free. I am right now working on the following projects semi-simultaneously:
*Cutting wine bottles to make deck lights
*Creating tumbled marble tiles with inspirational sayings
*Making jewelry out of vintage bottle caps, and bunco-themed jewelry
*Trying to finish a St. Paddy's day stained glass panel (for the last 7 or so years...sigh)
*Indulging my Pinterest cravings by making quick, easy DIY projects
*Oh, and I promised a friend I'd make her a brooch bouquet for her wedding in June. June of 2012. Here are examples of what it could end up looking like:

Craft on!

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