Monday, June 3, 2013

DiY Bar Part 2

I just now realized I forgot to post the "during" and "after" pics of the former console/current bar. It only took one afternoon and some mad measuring skills and cutting devices-thanks hubs! Also, he clearly does not trust me with power tools, especially HIS power tools. Fearing that I would lop off a digit, or worse, he was kind enough to help me out with the saw. And we only very minorly disagreed that my staining skills need some improvement.

First, a look at its record player. See the filth? I really wanted to take the hose to it, but thought better of that and just wiped it down with a damp cloth and some Pledge.

I labeled this pic ickdirt: Self-explanatory.ICK.

Oddly, I didn't take a photo of the coolest feature of this furniture. The left one-third of the unit has this slide in record bin kind of thing. It's sort of delicate, being 50 year old plastic and all, but I am using it to hold all of the cocktail napkins, shot glasses, and other drinking paraphernalia that one accumulates over time.
The bar is OPEN!
But wait! It needed a little something....
Some groovy, schmoovy 60's rocks glasses...Thank you Ebay!
But wait! There's more...
Ambience lighting!! SHAGADELIC!

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