Thursday, March 15, 2012

Feelin' Kinda Bloggie

My son, for Christmas, received a Sony Bloggie videocamera from his father (my ex) to encourage his You Tube movie-making skills. An example of these fine skills can be seen here:

I am so proud.

At first I was like, "What the WHAT?" I didn't see why a 12 year old child would need such pricey equipment. Weeeellll, times they are a changin' and now that I am an official BLOGGER , I feel that I need, NEED, one of those Bloggies. Problem is, they are rather costly, and I'm not about to go out and buy something that the kid can share with me. Only he doesn't want to. He has never used the daggone thing more than the couple of times that I have seen, and he won't share with his mother? Luckily, I know where he keeps it, and I'm going to steal it when he is out of the house. He happens to be out now...heh, heh, heh...

By the way, the reason I'm so covetous of this small electronic device is that it plugs directly into my USB port, I don't have to mess with taking out memory cards, copying the pictures I want, blah, blah, blah.

My freshly uploaded photos below are of the hurricane/apothecary jars I made last weekend  from the Sid small vase from Crate & Barrel ($6.95) glued to a glass candlestick from A.C. Moore ($2.99). I couldn't find what I wanted at Dollar Tree, so I had to spend a little bit more than planned. The results were worth it though. Take a look:

I had the tiniest bit of difficulty when I realized I was actually videotaping the jars, but it only took me a sec to figure out the camera feature. Still need to work on finding out if it has a flash, though.

Bee Stealthy (ever notice that stealthy has the word "steal" within it?)                                             

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