Saturday, December 28, 2013

More RETRO Whimsy!

In my area, we have many, many, Facebook sites dedicated to "Trash and Treasure", as in "One man's trash...". I am pretty sure I have subscribed to all of them within a 50 mile radius, because, hey, I like old crap. What I like even better about old crap is making something cool out of old crap. It makes me feel all ecologically friendly and fuzzy inside.

My latest score is this bomb-diggety Cosco step-stool chair-one like I grew up with on visits to my sweet grammy's house. Dang, how those step thingies squeaked when you pulled them out. This one does not disappoint either. Squ-eeee-k-tastic!
Once I get the gunk scrubbed off and the legs all shinied up, I think it's getting a makeover. I see something different for the seat-mebbe some red? Or an IU logo? Or, OMG, I cannot wait to get going on this baby tomorrow!

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